Sunday, October 30, 2011


Louis Vuitton or widely known as LV is a luxury designer brand that many people adore. Often enough, we, as the normal crowd (including me!) wonder about the price. Normally, LV will revise their price about 2-3 times annually. Most of the time, the price is going up! Of course LV is cheapest in its home country France. But not all of us can afford of going to France just for the sake of buying a LV handbag. 

The cheapest flight to France from KL on AirAsia costs around RM1600 during promo time. The lowest hotel rate in Paris is about RM250 per night. The total cost that you need to fly to Paris for a 2 nights trip is around RM2600 including RM500 for food & basic transportation cost. And that doesn't include cost for a LV handbag yet. I think the cheapest LV handbag is around RM 2000 in France (Pls correct me if I'm wrong coz I'm not sure about the price in Paris). In short, you will need at least RM 4600 for a handbag shopping trip in France. **Note: This is only estimation cost.

Unless you have a friend that could help buying a LV bag for you in Europe. Definitely WORTH IT!! However, I think it is still OK to buy a LV bag in Kuala Lumpur. Here are the list of the prices that I could remember from my visit on Monday:
Speedy 25

     Speedy 25: RM2550
     Speedy 30: RM2600
     Speedy 35: RM2650
     Neverfull GM: RM2900

Because of that, I've came out with a simple formula to estimate the price of LV bags in Malaysia by referring to USD price (suka hati aku je kn...hahahah). In general, you may multiply USD with a factor of 3.333. From my calculation, the factor varies from 3.31 to 3.4. To be safe, I do recommend a factor of 3.333. For instance:

     Neverfull GM: RM2900 (USD 870) --> USD 870*3.333=RM 2899.7

Or, for accurate price, please feel free to call LV store. They are really helpful. 

A piece of advice to all LV and designer handbag lovers, do buy from the store coz it is authentic. Nevertheless, if you choose to buy online, please be careful with fake sellers. Do buy from the trusted sellers only and please check their reputation as well. As for me, I am comfortable buying from the store as I can be sure of the authenticity.

Cheers! :)

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