Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Travel Insurance

OK! Akhirnya dah decide on buying travel insurance from where. I just called Triways KLCC, looks like travel insurance from AXA provides better coverage. The price for VIP plan is RM65 for 6-10 days. Just perfect for my trip.

Travel Insurance? Checked!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Preparation to Paris

Wow!! That's all I can say!! hahahaha penat kut bt research psl paris ni...lagi2 sbb byk sgt benda nk beli, jadi kena tgk byk sgt website, visit designer boutiques lg nk compare price, baca comments and also experience org lain utk dptkn tips and ideas...One thing for sure, kalo dh smpi Paris, mmg kena shopping la kn..hehe tp kna ade priority sbb kalo x silap ni country ke 7 sy visit tahun ni...kopak2!! Gunung pun runtuh kalo kena tarah selalu kn..haha

So far, I've made up my mind on what to purchase for me. So far ade la 5-6 benda yg nk di beli that include handbags, wallet, watch and few more items. Utk abah, adik & umi pn dh di fikirkan. 

Selected tour pn dh beli. Ticket disneyland pn dh setel. Cuma ade sikit2 lg yg still nk kna tgk and need our final touch.

18 days to go!

p/s: Upset sket arini sbb airport shuttle from Airasiago dh sold out. Wpn this time we all akn travel naik Etihad Airways, tp still hepi nk guna service airasiago utk tours. Ada setengah tu mmg murah & berbaloi. Hmmm...terpaksa la guna service provider lain kn...

Travelling Essentials

Before travelling, I believe everyone has their own" things to bring" list. I do have myself. Why do I do that? Well, just to make sure that I don't forget the most important and essential items. My must bring list includes:

1. My passport (This is really2 important. Make sure you keep in with you. Kalo tertinggal, cane nk fly kn??? ;))
2.Camera (mana bole tinggalkn! haha)
3. Money (in that country currency of course!)
4. A basic supply of toiletteries items (small size shampoo, shower gel, tooth brush, sunclock etc)
5. Some medications (I normally bring panadol, minyak cap kapak & losen halia utk lenguh2 kaki. haha)
6. A simple map of your destination for quick reference (you may print it from internet. Ape pn, pls get a decent 1 at the airport. Senang sket nk jalan2)
7. Food supply (at least bwk maggi, 3 in 1 sachets, tuna, kari ayam dlm tin, buns and biskut sket)
8. Enough clothes (yg ni kalo x bwk lnsg, x tau la nk ckp..tp bole bli baru kn..huhu)
9. Travel Insurance (kalo bole, baik amek. Just to be safe than sorry kn..)
10. Essential documents (mcm hotel booking receipt, online tickets etc)
11. An empty mineral water bottle! (sgt2 penting for me sbb ssh nk jumpa bidet kt overseas. kalo lupe, harus la beli kt sana. hehe)

Don't forget to do some research on places of interest, how to go there, cost of living and etc before you go so that you'll have some ideas on what's going on there. Nnt x payah nk tanye2 org bagai kn..

Most important of all, HAVE FUN!!!! :)

p/s: do learn some basic phrases or language. It will certainly help you.

My passion for travelling

I luv travelling so much..and I'm an avid traveller! I just luv to see the place, the people, the culture and not to forget tasting the local foods. It is just not of comparison to what we have, but also to observe how people live everyday and I believe that's what makes everyone's unique. 

Every place has it's story. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I'm going to PARIS!!!!!!

Horeeeeee!!! Horeeeeee!! I'm going to Paris!!

I can't believe it...Out of the blue, without any planning, suddenly I bought a ticket to Paris..

How ridiculous & crazy..well, that's just me... ;)
The idea came to me in a snap..

I can't wait for December to come..I'm truly and super duper excited now...
The best part of it, I can celebrate my birthday in PARIS!!! Yeay!!!
How cool is that????..hehe

and Laduree Macarons anyone?? ;) ;)